“I can't recommend Chris highly enough! Within the first 3 sessions, the progress my son made was amazing! He now writes confidently, and his spelling and handwriting have improved massively. The best of all is that for a child who was reluctant to do any writing and has struggled to find motivation with his English/Spelling, now he looks forward to it and is enjoying every session with Chris. He feels proud of his work and can see how much he is achieving through their work together which gives him confidence and joy. Chris is a great tutor - very friendly and warm, professional, and has a great approach with his students to make them feel relaxed, positive, and motivated.”

— T, Mum of Year Four pupil

There are a raft of brilliant people and organisations that can help, educate, advocate and support. We are a community and below is just some of those who might have something to offer you and yours. If you can think of anyone else I should include here, then please do contact me.

Kieran Rose is a published mainstream and academic author, international public speaker, trainer, researcher and consultant to organisations all over the world with a specialism in Autistic Masking, Autistic Burnout and Autistic Identity. He was diagnosed Autistic in 2003 and is Dad to three Neurodivergent children, 2 Autistic.

Amongst other amazing resources Kieran’s ‘The Inside of Autism’ online learning course is a must, in my opinion, for parents, professionals and anyone wanting to find out more about being autistic.

mASCot is a parent led peer to peer support network for families who have an autistic child/children or young person in Brighton and Hove. mASCot brings families together and enables them to connect with others in similar situations as themselves.

If you are a parent of an autistic child in Brighton and Hove then mASCot is a great source of information, support, advice and more.

Oaks Rise: an alternative educational provision, offering part-time, supplementary education, for autistic and ADHD learners aged from 9 to 16 years, based in Hassocks, West Sussex.

Their vision: We believe that every child has the right to a high-quality education that is tailored to their individual needs and abilities. One that celebrates and nurtures their strengths and talents, fosters self-knowledge and a positive sense of identity.

Think Different Consulting - Thinking differently about difference.

Offering advice, support, and guidance to autistic young people, their families, and schools, with a focus on getting education right.

Change your mind - not the child.